Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Lord of the Flies


Blood and Chocolate

The Chrysalids

Shade's Children

INS Blogging

Choose one of the following questions and respond it in a comment under your novel heading above. In your blog, you must include:

·         At least one properly cited quotation that supports your ideas.

·         At least 250 words.

  1. What is the setting of the novel?  Is the setting important or could the novel happen anywhere? Why? Would it change the plot? Remember the three aspects of setting in your response.

  2. Describe a problem faced by the main character. Explain how the main character deals with the problem. Make a personal connection to this conflict, either through your own experience or through that of someone you know.  

  3. Copy a passage that appeals to you and describe why you connect with it. Is it appealing because of the writing style (imagery, sentence structure, diction), the way it furthers your understanding of the novel, or the connection you can make to your own personal experience and the world around you?

  4. If you had to choose one of the characters to be your friend, who would it be and why? Is he or she like a friend you have now or have had in the past?

  5. What message or theme do you see emerging? How is this theme developed in the first half of your novel?

  6. Choose a character who is starting to change and explain how the character is developing and what purpose it serves.

When you have finished writing your blog, read other blogs by people who have read the same novel as you. Comment on at least one other post.