Monday, 3 March 2014

Mary Maloney should be convicted of first degree murder


  1. tudor, braydon, matt,3 March 2014 at 09:34

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  2. Tudor, Braydon, Matt3 March 2014 at 09:57

    In the case of Mary Maloney, she is guilty of first degree murder because it was planned, it was deliberate, and she felt no remorse. When she was going downstairs to look for supper, she found a leg of lamb in the freezer and “she lifted it out, and looked at it. It was wrapped in paper, so she took off the paper and looked at it again… she carried it upstairs, holding the thin bone-end of it with both her hands”. This shows that she thought twice about what she was going to do, and made her decision to kill him. When she walked upstairs and held the “thin bone-end of [the lamb]” like a baseball bat. this shows she wanted to kill him and it was planned. This action was also deliberate, because “[she] walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as she could on the back of his head”. Mary deliberately hit him in the back of the head “without any pause”, this means that she didn’t even think twice about hurting him because she was angry. Lastly, Mary didn’t feel any remorse. After she killed him she said to herself, “All right… so I’ve killed him…”. When the investigators came to her house and ate the leg of lamb “Mary Maloney began to giggle”. When she killed him, she didn’t care and she wasn’t sad at all. At the end of the story, Mary began to giggle because she knew now that she couldn’t be caught. She didn’t grieve, and she felt no remorse which shows that she didn’t care for him. Mary Maloney is guilty of first degree murder, and therefore deserves to spend her life in jail.

    1. Yes, you have a very good point. On the other hand, you have to think about the possibility that Mary Maloney could have a mental illness. Even though she made have planned this murder, wouldn't you think she would have been maybe nervous that she could have been caught?

      Good job using strong proof from the book. :-)

    2. Matt and friends good job. your paragraph has got me really thinking on changing my mind. Very sophisticated, keep on the right track Matt.

    3. THIS PARAGRAPH WAS AMAZING!!! Your proof is great and I completely agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rock on Matt!!

    4. Madison S. made the previous reply.

    5. I mean the first one.

    6. Muna and Maryann5 March 2014 at 11:19

      We don't think Mary Maloney planned on killing her husband because she would make dinner for her husband everyday when he came home from work. She was angry when he told her that he wanted a divorce because she was pregnant with his child. As you know, women have many mood swings especially when they are pregnant. She wanted support through pregnancy from him but he wanted to leave. Also, some people don't even show signs of a mental illness until something unexpected or tragic happens, so she could have a mental illness.

  3. Alicia, Kayla, Rachelle3 March 2014 at 10:06

    Mary Maloney is guilty of first degree murder. She did not care about killing her loving husband, she knew the consequences of murder, and it was both planned and deliberate. Firstly, she showed no emotion when killing Patrick. Right after killing him, she told herself: “All right...So I’ve killed him”(1). She was very matter-of-fact about the whole thing, and her biggest concern was whether or not her baby would also be punished, not the fact that she had just murdered her husband. Secondly, the murder was very calculated. She knew the consequences of her actions, and kept a clear head the whole time. “As the wife of a detective, she knew quite well what the penalty would be, That was fine. It made no difference to her”(1). It seemed as though she had already measured the pros and cons in her head, and decided that the good outweighed the bad. Finally, the murder was both planned and deliberate, in accordance with Section 231. When carrying the lamb up the stairs, she was holding it “by the thin bone-end of it with both her hands”, as if it was a weapon. She knew she was going to kill him, and what she was going to kill him with. “Without any pause, she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head”(1). It was a very decisive movement; calculated and deliberate. She knew how much it would harm him, and that is exactly what she wanted to do. In conclusion. Mary Maloney is a cold-hearted killer. She is guilty of first-degree murder and deserves 30 years jail time for her actions.

    1. You make a good point, however, you are looking what happens AFTER she has killed him. Since, first degree murder is a planned murder, she is not guilty. Not once has she mentioned that she was planning on killing him. Therefore, it is not first degree murder.
